2014- A new year, new goals, and a new look for my blog!

tom_horn_appraisal_goalsWOW! It seems it was just last week that I was writing my first post for 2013. As they say, time flies when you’re having fun, right? One of my goals for last year was to get a new look for my blog and guess what? I did it! When I first started blogging I was new to the whole thing and decided to use a free template, which a lot of people do, and it got me by for a while, but I decided I wanted a new one that allows me more flexibility and design options so I decided to go with the “Prose” theme from Studiopress. So far I am really pleased with the company and the theme as it has been pretty straight forward. If you use the Genesis framework from Studiopress and have any tips or tricks by all means leave me a message, I would like to learn as much about it as possible.

One Resource To Rule Them All- O.k., I’m a big science fiction/fantasy geek and I couldn’t help but use this analogy from “Lord of the Rings”, but I’ll tell you what I mean. From the very beginning of my blogging career my first goal has been to be the major resource for my current and future clients. I noticed that most appraisers clients were in the dark about certain issues and they had a lot of questions about how appraisers do what they do. Confusion runs rampant as to what loan officers and real estate agents can discuss with appraisers so I decided that a blog would be the perfect tool to use to pass on local real estate sales data, appraisal concepts and procedures, as well as current news topics-in other words a resource for them to use when needed to answer all of their questions. And if I have not covered a question they have, they can let me know and I will cover it in a blog, because if they have a question about it others may as well.

My goals for 2014- My goals for this year are the same as they have always been, and that is to help  you reach your goals by providing the most relevant and useful information to you so that your job is made easier and less confusing. While appraisers cannot guarantee that an appraisal will come in at what you want, we can explain to you how we got there and why we came in at the value we did. In 2013 I had the opportunity to speak at numerous real estate agent meetings and one of the main topics I always covered was how real agents can think like an appraiser. If agents know how to pick out comps when pricing their homes then the likelihood of it not appraising for the mortgage appraisal is reduced. I also covered things that the agent can do to help the appraiser without being accused of trying to influence them. This year I will continue to provide relevant and helpful information that my readers can use.

Help me help you- I am always on a quest for blog topics than can help my readers, so if you have an appraisal related question please let me know, I will turn it into a blog post and together we can help others. By the way, what are your 2014 goals?

If you have any real estate appraisal related questions you can call me at 205.243.9304, email me, or connect with me on Facebook., Twitter, or Youtube.



  1. Tom, WOW your new site theme is awesome. I love the layout, colors, navigation and especially the sharp previews of each post. And, your site looks great on my Galaxy Note 2 phone and on iPad. Looking forward to reading more of your insights into the 2014 Birmingham AL regional housing market. Take Care! Bill

    • Thanks for your kind words Bill! I’m still working on some design issues but overall I’m very happy. It’s good to hear it looks good on your mobile device since this is a mobile ready theme.

  2. Congratulations on the new look Tom. Your site is looking sharp. I think your goals are great too. Congratulations on your blogging success. On a different note, my family is going to finally see the new hobbit movie tomorrow.

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