My appraisal blog just passed the 300 blog post mark!

My appraisal blog just passed the 300 blog post mark! Boom! I guess you could say I’m excited. 🙂 I just passed 300 blog posts and thought I would share this awesome news with you. I started this blog back in February of 2010 so next month will be my 5th year of publishing Birmingham […]

5 things appraisers can do to get more business in the new year

5 things appraisers can do to get more business in the new year Appraisers are facing an uphill battle from regulators in today’s market because of the increasing and burdensome requirements being asked of them. The introduction of the Collateral Underwriter later this month is one example among many . These increased requirements asked of […]

A new guest blogging opportunity with McKissock

I’ve been blogging about real estate appraisal for approximately 4 years now and I have come to enjoy it quite a bit. It has given me a chance to write about something I enjoy and to help others understand what appraisers do and why they do it. I was recently given the opportunity to guest […]

So you want to start a real estate blog?

If you’re a real estate agent now is the perfect time to start a real estate blog. Check out how these 5 agents, 3 from the Birmingham, AL area, use blogs to enhance their business. You can get started by attending Wordcamp Birmingham this weekend.

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