How NOT to dispose of peeling paint for an FHA appraisal

I wanted to share a photo with you that I took recently of a home I was appraising.  It was for an FHA appraisal of an older house built prior to 1978.  You may wonder why the year 1978 is so important, so I will tell you.  It was in 1978 that lead paint was discontinued.  Up until then paint had lead which is poisonous and can cause serious side effects and even death.

If a home was built prior to 1978 and it has peeling or chipping paint, the paint must be removed per HUD guidelines.  Take a look at this picture and try to guess what is wrong.

paint chips on fha appraisal

Paint chips have been removed and left on the porch.  These can be picked up by children and eaten, which can poison them.  HUD states that the chips have to be removed from the house and disposed of so this cannot happen.  Have you ever purchased a home with peeling paint that had FHA financing?  What did you do to solve this problem?  Leave me a message below to tell me what happened.

If you have any real estate appraisal related questions you can call me at 205.243.9304, email me, or connect with me on Facebook., Twitter, or Youtube.


  1. What are FHA requirements for cleaning up and disposing of paint chips?

    • Thanks for your question Charles. There are different requirements depending on who does the removal and cleanup. If a professional company does it there are more stringent guidelines they have to go by, which you can find anywhere online. If a homeowner does it just keep in mind that FHA is concerned that the paint that is removed is no longer on the premises so that the chances of poisoning are reduced. It has to be removed from the house and the paint chips need to be taken off site and disposed of. Hope this helps.


  1. […] are specific guidelines for removing the paint which I have covered in this prior post. As with all FHA requirements, it’s good to have them […]

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