Are Outbuildings Included in an Appraisal?

Barns with permanent foundations are included in an appraisalI got a call from a client recently asking this question.  As I told him, any type of improvement which is permanently attached to the land is included in the appraisal.  For outbuildings this would include barns and butler type buildings.

This type of storage shed is not included in an appraisalSome storage buildings which are smaller and are not on permanent foundations would not be included because they can be easily (relatively speaking) moved.  These types of structures typically are just sitting on movable piers (such as concrete blocks).  The same criteria would be used for above ground pools and hot tubs.  They are considered personal property as opposed to real property.  If you have any questions please call me at (205) 243-9304.


  1. Tom, great article. It’s good to hear whether adding an outdoor structure like a barn would increase the value of your property.

  2. Real Estate Appraiser Tips says

    Tom, this is excellent advice for locals to read and learn. This is such a confusing and frustrating issue for them, especially when they invest thousands to ten of thousands of hard-earned dollars into these outbuildings and don’t understand why the market doesn’t reward them dollar-for-dollar. Great Post and Topic! Looking forward to reading more! Bill Cobb

  3. Tom, great blog post. I am asked this all the time as well. I have thought about adding a definition in my appraisal addendum to address outbuildings with and without a permanent foundation.

  4. Valerie Springer says

    Once again Tom, thank you for the informative post.

    Valerie Springer
    Sr Residential Loan Officer
    205-995-7283 x 304


  1. […] without causing damage to the underlying real estate. I published a post previously regarding out buildings, however there are various other items that are not included in an appraisal because they can be […]

  2. […] that can be removed are not included in the final value estimate.  I have covered this topic in a past blog post regarding utility sheds.  Other items that are not part of the valuation include […]

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