What Happened to This House in Pelham, Alabama?

I see a lot of things as a real estate appraiser while I am out working and thought I might share some of them.  It is not uncommon to see homes being moved, but while I was out this week I saw this home in Pelham, Alabama, which appears to be the top half of a two story home.  I have never seen a home that is being moved cut in half like this.  I thought maybe they might rebuild the bottom half and use the existing top half.  Anyway, whatever they are doing, I found it interesting.  If you live in this area, have you seen this home, and do you know what is going on?

Strange house in Pelham, Alabama


  1. Real Estate Appraiser Tips says

    Wow, Tom! That is prime real estate there. I love to see and share photos like this. I reblogged your post to Tips this morning. Take Care! Bill Cobb

  2. Great shot, Tom. If you hear more, please do let us know.

  3. Gives new meaning to the term “split level”

  4. Tom,

    That is crazy photo. I have never seen anything like that!

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