What I’ve Learned in My First Year of Blogging

Technically speaking it has been about 18 months since I started blogging but “My First Year” sounded better so that’s what I went with.  If there was one phrase that summarized my experience during this time it would be “slow and steady wins the race”.  It has been a time of learning new things, meeting […]

Michael Maher: The Power Of Being Personal

I had the opportunity yesterday to attend the “7 Levels of Communication” event with Michael Maher.  Michael is well known for being the “most referred” real estate agent in the country.  After seeing his energy and sincerity I can see why.  He believes the days of the “me” real estate agent are over (you can […]

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from Tom Horn and BirminghamAppraisalBlog.com

I wanted to take this time to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  2010 has been a great year for my business.  I started my appraisal blog to help me connect more with my clients.  It has helped me to build relationships with others in the real estate industry, both […]

Getting to Know the “Get a Real Estate Life” Gang at RE/Max Advantage

I had the opportunity to speak today at the “business booster” meeting for RE/Max Advantage.  Genny Williams, who runs the “Get a Real Estate Life” program, asked me to speak about real estate trends in the Birmingham, Alabama area.  I enjoy these types of meetings because I can talk to Realtors about what is happening […]

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