Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wow, I can’t believe 2014 is coming to an end. It seems like this year just began, but 2015 is indeed approaching and will be here soon. I hope all of your goals were reached this  year.

Thank You

My only goal with this blog post is to make sure those that read and contribute to my blog by commenting and sharing it know that I truly appreciate you and hope that you have a blessed holiday season to wrap up the year. It always amazes me when I get emails or calls from people all over the country who have questions relating to my blog. I know it’s the “world wide web” but it’s easy to forget that when you’re writing and in your own little world, but when you do get these calls or emails it brings it all home.

So wherever you live I hope you’re able to take some time off, relax, and spend some time with your family. My family has already started celebrating by completing our “4th Annual Horn Cookie Playoff” and taking in all the homes decorated with Christmas lights like you see below.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2014

See You In 2015

This is going to be my last post for 2015, but I cannot wait to see what 2015 has to offer. I know that appraisers will have new challenges for 2015 with the introduction of the Collateral Underwriter by Fannie Mae. My goal for next year is to create even more content than this year that helps users of appraisal services such as buyers, sellers, and agents understand how and why appraisers do what they do. I hope you will be a part of this by sharing with me your questions and concerns. Let’s also connect on social media. I have accounts with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and Youtube.


Do you have any questions or topics you would like for me to cover next year? If so leave me a comment below, but if you don’t you can still share your families holiday traditions.

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  1. Thank you for all you do Tom. Your blog is inspirational.

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