Merry Christmas and Happy New Year-See You in 2017!

Wishing you a blessed holiday season

Merry Christmas from AlabamaHello, everyone. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. This will be my last post for 2016, and I wanted to thank all of you who read my blog and also to those that have signed up to receive it each time I publish. Writing my blog is a labor of love for me because it provides a way to share what I know with those who want to learn a little more about how and why appraisers do what they do.

Most people don’t really think about appraisals in their day to day activity, and I understand that, but when they are going through a refinance or a home purchase, questions arise. I hope that my blog provides answers to questions you have when you need them. In 2016 the number of subscribers to my blog grew by 156%. This tells me that there are people who have questions that need to be answered about what is typically their most expensive asset.

In addition to homeowners, I have seen a large increase in real estate agents who have subscribed to my blog. I think this is a result of the culture that has arisen from the inaccurate perception that appraisers and agents cannot talk to each other. There are some things that we cannot talk about such as the value of the property, however everything else is fair game.

For years real estate appraisers have kept to themselves and not ventured out to talk with agents who have had questions about how appraisers come up with the value that they do, and how they choose comps. Two topics that I have noticed that my readers have been interested in include what areas in a house are included in the total living area and what happens when there are no comps. These are questions that appraisers can easily answer for agents if they take the time to speak at agent sales meetings, something I have tried to do more often this year.

I plan on spending more time with my family during Christmas and New Years and winding down 2016. We will be checking out all the local Christmas lights that’s part of our holiday tradition. I look forward to 2017 and all the promise that it offers. If I can help you in any way in the new year please do not hesitate to contact me. May God bless you and your family.

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  1. Mimose Francois says

    Tom, I just realized you live in Birmingham, Now I am at my daughter in Knoxville TN, I will be going home in Massachusetts on the 8th. I will continue to follow your blog but I will not be able to use your service which is the reason I picked you from the Board of Professional Licensures from their Boston office.
    I am looking for an Appraiser and a Land Surveyor.
    May the Lord Bless you and your family with great Health, Success and Plenty of Love!

    • Thanks for connecting with me! Unfortunately, I cannot do appraisals in Boston. 🙁 Thanks for reading my blog and I hope that it is helpful and educational. If you need an appraiser in your area you may want to check out the Appraisal Institutes website as it will provide a list of appraisers in your area. Good luck!

  2. Thank you for all the time you spend blogging. It is a joy and inspirational to follow. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  3. Merry Christmas! Thank you so much for your terrific Blog! I wish you an amazing 2017!

  4. Merry Christmas Tom. I hope you and your family have an incredible next couple weeks together. May you be blessed. Thanks for all your blogs this year.

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