How Shelby County, AL homeowners can find useful property information online

Shelby County Alabama websiteI would like to share with homeowners in Shelby County, Alabama how they can find useful property information online.  Have you ever wanted to find out exactly how big your lot is?  Ever wondered where your house sits on your lot?  How about finding out what school system the house you want to buy is in?  These are all questions you can find the answers to by going to the Shelby County, Alabama website here-  Take a look at the video below and see what type of information you can get.

Were you able to find any useful information?  Do you know of any other websites where homeowners can get helpful information for free?

If you have any real estate appraisal related questions you can call me at 205.243.9304, email me, or connect with me on Facebook., Twitter, or Youtube.


  1. From your link, you can do specific property searches IF you know the landowner’s name from:

    If you do not know the landowner’s name, it’s easy enough to find if that person has a land line by going to and doing a “reverse” search of the address instead of by the owner’s name (which is what is not known). You can also find the names of neighors to the property to pull probate records of recent sales (including the mortgage documents).

    Most of Shelby County’s probate records are incorrect in the recordation of actual square footage. And Zillow offers little help there.

    Again, Tom, thanks for blogging – I always enjoy reading your topics.

    • Thanks alot for sharing those tips. I agree with you on the square footage. That is why Zillow and other similar websites are not that reliable, because they take square footage from county records and apply price per square foot. They are fun to play with but if you really need an accurate value an appraisal is hard to beat.

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