Appraisers are the Sherlock Holmes of real estate Much of what a real estate appraiser does is akin to a detective’s work. We dig through data to uncover the mystery of value. A major source of this date is the local multiple listing service (MLS), and whether real estate agents know it they hold the […]
5 free apps and how I use them in my real estate appraisal business
Running an appraisal business can be fun and rewarding. If you own any kind of business you understand the need to control expenses and that task is getting easier and easier these days due to all of the free apps that are available. I wanted to share with you today 5 free apps that I […]
Know Thy Market- The Importance of Geographic Competence in Appraising Real Estate
Geographic competence in appraising has become a hot topic over the last couple of years. It refers to an appraisers knowledge of a market and his/her ability to produce an accurate and reliable report. One way to measure this is by looking at someones experience of working in an area. Take a look below at […]
My Top iPad Apps for Real Estate Appraisers
Do you have an iPad? Did you buy it to help yourself become more productive and mobile in your real estate appraisal business? Are you actually using it in your business in this capacity or are you just using it to play games, surf the net, and watch movies? This is a question I had […]
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