Tips To Make An Agent’s Life Easier The job of a real estate agent is extensive. There was a popular post that many agents were sharing on Facebook recently that listed all of the hats that an agent must wear. While I cannot speak to most of those duties, or how to do them, I […]
Appraisal Frights: 13 Terrifying Property Pitfalls That’ll Haunt Your Home’s Value
Avoid These Property Pitfalls To Ensure Your Home Appraises For Top Dollar It’s that time of year when we don our spookiest costumes and tell spine-tingling tales of haunted houses and things that go bump in the night. But what about those not-so-supernatural property pitfalls that can send shivers down your spine during a real […]
The Pitfalls of Outlier Sales in Pricing a Listing
Should Outlier Sales Be Used When Pricing a Listing? Pricing a listing is both an art and a science. Real estate professionals use a mix of data analysis, market knowledge, and professional judgment to determine a property’s value or list price. However, in the quest for accuracy and reliability, one common mistake that real estate […]
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