If you want an FHA loan, you’ll have to do these 5 things

HUD Appraisal RequirementsIf you’re getting an FHA loan and want to make sure the appraisal goes off without a hitch make sure you pay attention to these 5 items.  If you don’t then it could delay the loan and your closing.  The appraiser has to make note of the items listed below, and if he/she cannot then a second trip may be necessary:

1) Provide access to attic– The appraiser has to make a “head and shoulder” inspection of the attic, meaning that they need to at least enter the attic to the level of their should to see if everything looks good.  We’re looking to see if there are any holes or other damage that could effect the structural integrity of the house.

2) Provide access to the crawlspace if there is one- As in the attic access, we need to make a “head and shoulder” inspection to verify if there are any health and safety issues such as drainage problems, rodent infestation, or anything else that might adversely effect the house.

3) Don’t have excessive items laying around so that observance of the property is hindered- We have to observe the interior of the home, including all floor and wall surfaces.  If they are covered up we cannot reliably not whether there was any holes in the walls or on the condition of the floor covering.

4) Make sure all appliances and mechanical systems are operational- We have to turn the air conditioner and heater on to make sure it works.  In addition, we check to make sure the appliances work also.  If they do not work then loan underwriters may require them to be fixed or replaced with ones that do operate.

5) Open windows- At least one window must be operational.  Usually only seen in older homes, windows that are painted shut or just don’t work must be repaired so that easy access to the outside is possible.

Are you getting an FHA loan?  Do you have questions about what the appraiser will be looking for when they come to do the appraisal?  Leave a comment and I will do my best to answer your questions.

If you have any real estate appraisal related questions you can call me at 205.243.9304, email me, or connect with me on Facebook., Twitter, or Youtube.


  1. What are the requirements on crankout windows? The room is not considered a bedroom it is a Florida room? Does one atleast have to open?

    • Keri, if there is access to the outside via a door, the window does not have to open. The only time a window has to open is when it is the only way to get outside in case of a fire or other emergency. If there are no doors to the outside, and there are only windows, at least one window has to be able to open so that anyone in the room can get out of the room.

  2. George Jackson says

    Tom, as always, extremely informative! I have often wondered exactly which items the appraiser examined during the course of an appraisal. Can you do a blog on any specific defects that can kill an FHA deal, for example exterior step railings, paint defects, (peeling), etc. Is there a resource that I can access, so that I can become familiar with items that might make FHA insured financing more difficult, or impossible?
    Thanks again for a great post!

  3. Good stuff, Tom.

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