Birmingham, Alabama Home Sales-Most Expensive Home Sale in June-2010

Well, once again the most expensive home sale for June is from the Mountain Brook area.  As I have noted in previous posts this area is one of the most exclusive and expensive in the state of Alabama.  Overall, homes sales over $500,000 have suffered in the Birmingham, Alabama market, however these luxury homes always seem to have adequate buyers.  This months home is located at 3214 Pine Ridge Road and it sold for $2,550,000.  It features a pool and a home theater among other things.  The home was designed by renowned architect Ed Bailey.  You can see and aerial view of it here.


  1. I’m curious about square footage and lot size on this one. Do you have the particulars?

    • Ryan, that house was about 9,700 square feet and it was on just over an acre lot. Very nice home, as I said it is in a premier area of Birmingham.

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