What is an easement and how does it affect my property value?

What is an easement? If you’ve ever purchased real estate it’s quite possible that the property may have been subject to an easement. Easements are common and a lot of properties have them without the owner even being aware of it. The easement is something that is included in the legal description as well as […]

Who can order a home appraisal?

Is it ok for anyone to order a home appraisal? I received a call this week from a homeowner who wanted to order a home appraisal for a refinance loan. They knew the mortgage company would need it to complete the loan. What they didn’t know is that several years ago government legislation made it […]

Do I need an appraisal if I’m gifting real estate?

Do I need an appraisal if I’m gifting real estate? One situation that many people don’t know that they need an appraisal for is when they gift real estate as a charitable donation. Gifting of real estate occurs when you give real estate to a person or entity and need to find out its fair […]

What is an estate appraisal?

Understanding the Estate Appraisal An estate appraisal is typically performed to determine the market value of real estate after the owner has died. A market value appraisal is required so that the estate can be divided among the heirs, if that was the desire of the owner and it was in their will. In addition, […]

Could Alabama Appraisers Be In Violation Of State Law?

Do you do work for Appraisal Management Companies (AMC’s)?  If you do and they are not registered with the Alabama Real Estate Appraisers Board, you could be subject to discipline.  As of October 1, 2011 any AMC’s doing business in Alabama must register with the state.  Pursuant to §34-27A-20(a)(9) of the Alabama Real Estate Appraisers […]

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