Will Phil Crawford’s new YouTube program provide a louder voice for appraisers?

I thought I would take a break from local market reports and appraisal education to discuss something I believe to be pretty significant for the advocacy of all appraisers. Within the past month real estate appraiser Phil Crawford launched his “Voice of Appraisal” YouTube program that covers important issues and concerns that appraisers are having. The following blurb describes it best and is taken from the Voice of Appraisal website:

“Voice of Appraisal” is a show designed to deliver the most up to date news and information for the working real estate valuation professional. The show provides top analysis of real estate trends and issues that affect appraisers nationwide.  Our no-nonsense approach to appraisal, real estate, banking and politics creates a cutting edge program that provides an insight into the appraisal profession that is seldom heard.

I just found out about the show this week and at first was unsure about what the show would cover and how professionally it would be done. To be  honest I questioned how anyone could talk about the appraisal profession inReal estate appraisal Youtube program gives louder voice to appraisers a way that would capture the listeners interest and keep their attention, however once I started listening I was immediately impressed by the quality and professionalism that Phil brought to the program. It turns out that Phil is no stranger to the microphone as he has been in the radio business for quite a while along with being a real estate appraiser. This experience shows when he discusses topics in a clear, concise, and professional manner. Because he has personal knowledge of the profession and radio experience he is able to blend the two professions together to grab the listeners attention and keep you interested.

I made it a point this week to listen to the the first three episodes that have been produced to see what topics and issues he discussed. Right out of the gate he tackled serious issues that are currently on the minds of appraisers, including appraisal fees, Appraisal Management Companies (AMC’s), and the much discussed Fannie Mae Blacklist, which he discussed with well known appraiser Ann O’ Rourke. These topics are ones that appraisers are talking about with one another and that keeps them up at night because they can effect our income and possibly even our jobs with the case of the Fannie Mae Blacklist, which could possibly put some appraisers out of work. It was nice to learn than both Phil and Ann do not believe that this list will be an appraiser witch hunt but will weed out incompetent appraisers that don’t need to be in the profession.

Overall I was very pleased with the program that Phil has produced and I will continue to listen to it. I would highly recommend it to appraisers and other in the real estate profession who are concerned with the direction the real estate industry is taking. Please give it a try and if you find value in it let Phil know as I am sure he would appreciate constructive feedback as well as potential topics  he could cover. I think that this program can provide a louder voice of the appraiser for others to hear, as the name implies and as Phil states on  his website “What we need is a voice, a movement, to take back our industry, and control our own destiny.” Please give it a listen and leave me a comment to let me know what you thought about it.

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  1. Retired Appraiser says

    Not unless he can convince appraisers to state a one month AMC boycott.

    • Have you suggested this to him, and if so what did he say? Convincing that many people may not be possible but banning together with state coalitions, which Phil supports, may be a good start in building solidarity.

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