Will you be attending Genny Williams’ Mastermind 2017?

Genny Williams’ Mastermind 2017 is almost here

Mastermind 2017 Genny WilliamsHello everyone. It’s already November and the end of 2017 is getting closer and closer.

I’ve had a great time this year on my Birmingham Appraisal Blog answering appraisal questions and writing about the various topics in my profession that affect agents, homeowners, and others in the real estate profession. The goal of my blog is to help educate the general public about how and why appraisers do what they do.

This has given me the opportunity to meet a lot of great people, both online and offline. I’ve been able to communicate with people all across the country when they reach out to me with an appraisal question. I’ve also met many local agents that I might not have known if it were not for my blog.

While I hope that I’ve educated my readers, I also enjoy being educated and meeting local agents and real estate professionals. On December 7, 2017, I’ll be attending Genny Williams’ Mastermind 2017 in Birmingham, AL at Cahaba Brewing Company.

This event features the “styles, systems, strategies and secrets” of some of the most successful real estate companies in Alabama. While these agents will be sharing how to sell more houses they will also be sharing how they have succeeded as business professionals in the real estate field. I think we can all learn from the successful habits and methods that others use no matter what the profession.

What I hope to get from attending Genny Williams’ Mastermind 2017

1) Meet other local real estate professionals- As an appraiser, or solo business owner, it is easy to stay in my appraisal cave with my nose to the grindstone. It’s good to get out and actually meet other local real estate professionals. It’s good to make new business contacts through networking and put faces to names. It also makes it easier to refer clients whenever I know someone’s expertise or areas that they cover. If you’re attending please let me know and we can say hi when we’re there.

2) Find out what techniques others are using to be successful- While this event is geared mostly to real estate agents there is a lot of business techniques that agents use that can effectively be used by other business owners. I look forward to finding out what tips and tricks single agents use to build thriving businesses.

3) Make new friends- As I noted in #1 it is easy to become isolated while working if you work by yourself. Getting out and meeting new people helps to break up the week and make it more enjoyable. I look forward to meeting new people so if you see me please introduce yourself, I’d love to chat or answer any appraisal questions you have.

4) Take away at least one effective business practice to make my appraisal business better- I am a one-person business so I look forward to hearing how other solopreneurs build a successful company. Establishing systems and processes is important as well as taking advantage of today’s technology to streamline your business.

5) Have a great beer- Duh, this should have been #1! But seriously, Cahaba Brewing is a great place that I’ve had the pleasure of drinking a beer at. For those that have not visited yet, it is family friendly, has games for the kids, allows pets, and there is always a food truck to order something to eat with your cold brew.

What do you want to get out of Genny Williams’ Mastermind 2017

So that’s some of what I hope to get from attending this go to event for real estate professionals. What about you? Have you attended in the past? Are you attending this year? Leave a comment below, and as always, thanks for reading.

You can still sign up to addend Mastermind 2017 if you haven’t done so yet.

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  1. Love to come, but I cannot. Thank you for letting us know. It sounds like a great event.

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