A Bad Day at the Lake is Better Than a Good Day at Work

Have you heard that saying?  I have been fortunate lately to be very busy at work , which is a blessing in today’s economy.  I recently had an assignment at Lay Lake, in Shelby County, Alabama.  I do a fair amount of work in this area but none recently.  Contrary to the title of this post I was able to have a good day at the lake and work.  For those  not familiar with the lake it is located approximately thirty-five minutes south of Birmingham, Alabama in Shelby County. It is a 12,000 acre reservoir that was created for hydroelectric generation and recreation.  The Bass Masters Classic was held here this year.

Property values in this area are holding steady compared to other locations, however there appears to be an oversupply of inventory which could cause values to start to drop.  Property types range from small fish camps with manufactored homes to large water front acreage.  This is a beautiful area that you should try to visit if you ever get the chance.

On my way home from the inspection I saw this guy trying to cross the road.  My trip to Lay Lake was a refreshing break from the typical inspections I have in town.  You can learn more about Lay Lake here.


  1. Bill Cobb says

    Wow Tom, I’d agreed with the title for sure. Looks like a wonderful location to spend the 4th of July! Bill

  2. Your post title rings very true, Tom. It looks like you had a nice inspection.

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