I’ve Got A Copy Of My Appraisal, Now How Do I Read It?

I received a call from a homeowner the other day about an appraisal I had done on the home they just purchased.  They had gotten their copy of the report and was looking over it, but was having a hard time understanding where some information was, as well as what some of the abbreviations stood for.   I decided to put together a video to help explain the report because others may have similar questions.

I hope this is helpful. If you have a question about something I did not cover please let me know. I could not cover everything in the video but would be glad to talk to you on the phone to help explain further.

If you have any real estate appraisal related questions you can call me at 205.243.9304, email me, or connect with me on facebook.


  1. Helpful stuff for your clients.

  2. Very informative. A real estate appraisal can be confusing to look at if you have never seen one before, great tutorial Tom.

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